503-507-0410 [email protected]

Dear Friends,

Almost 20 years ago my wife Erin and I made a pact that some day, after we’d started a family, we would take our kids to France. Next month we’re following through on this agreement. This is the year we cash in on a decade’s worth of air miles!

So, I will be away July 1 through August 4. Here’s what that will mean for MacAtoZ:

  • We will still be monitoring and maintaining all Macs in Sentinel and Sentinel+. If we detect a problem with your Mac we will contact you as we always do.
  • MacAtoZ will be closed the first week in July. Independent Day falls on a Wednesday this year, so we thought it easiest to just take the full week off. (Again, we are still running Sentinel and Sentinel+.
  • Because of my absence and Dynee’s summer schedule, on most days in July we will have no technicians available for either remote or onsite service. Stephanie will be working most days and will schedule you as times are available. Anything we can schedule into August instead of July, we will.
  • We will, for the first time ever, not be accepting any new clients in July. We will re-open to new clients in August, but for July all our resources, limited though they may be, will be focused on our existing clients.
  • There will be no newsletter in July.

We apologize for any inconvenience my absence might cause. I also thank you in advance for your understanding. The latter is invaluable in helping me fulfill the commitment I’ve made to my family.