See what you think. Follow on Twitter if you’re so inclined. Expect change.
UPDATE 2: The basic revision is finished. Here’s a run-down on the Home page.
I revised the Header to make it more graphically interesting. The navigation bar is hopefully obvious in its usage. Hiding out in the top right corner: RSS feed subscription and Twitter buttons.
In the left column I’ve got my contact information immediately available and added the ability for people to follow me on Twitter. The ever-popular Address Book card download remains as an easy way for folks to add my name to their contact list. The Links are the same, except that I’ve added my referral link. If you shop at Amazon and want to support my business, here’s how: Click the referral link and do your shopping like normal. That’s it. Search will search the site for whatever keywords you plug in. The Log in probably won’t be used by anyone but me.
In the center I’ve decided to put my blog posts. I’ll probably update the blog irregularly—every week or so—but if you subscribe via the RSS feed you’ll be alerted whenever I post.
On the right column I’ve got some company information and background. After that you can read my latest Twitter postings. I try to keep my posts exclusively Apple-related, so if that’s your cup of tea, feel free to follow me. I usually tweet daily.
Along the bottom, in addition to an item about my album you’ll find goods and services offered by clients. I don’t have space to tout everybody, but I’ll rotate some new ones in over time. I encourage you to check out the stuff my clients are doing!